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Based on the Statute of the Environmental Professionals Training Institute, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, announced in December 1990, this training institute would be established on 1 July 1991, and is in charge of training government inspectors in environmental protection. The Institute was initially located in Xindian City, Taipei County, and was relocated to Zhongli, Taoyuan County in 1999 in a new EPA office. Moreover, in response to the promulgation of the Environmental Education Act in 2010, an environmental education task force was established to undertake the certification and management of environmental education facilities, institutions and personnel.

The present services of the Institute are based on the Basic Environment Act: "The Central Government should hold professional environmental training and establish a qualification system for environmental inspectors to enhance the quality of environmental protection." The Institute is in charge of conducting training for skills in pollution prevention, regulations and administration management for environmental authorities, authorities in charge of relevant industries, and private and public business for the purpose of raising the skills of environmental work, and thus help the promotion and execution of environmental policies of the government. Moreover, in compliance with environmental laws regulating that all businesses should have professional people in charge of environmental work, the Institute conducts certification training for environmental protection professionals to raise the efficiency and competition for businesses. The major services include:

A. Professional skills for environmental inspectors

B. Training in professional certification for environmental inspectors

C. Certification management

D. Environmental education certification
